Monday, December 15, 2008


The EL Classico ( The Classic) is one of the biggest fotball rivalry matches between the spanish football gaints Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. The rivalry goes well back to the late 1920's. The first recorded rivalry match was held on FEB 17th 1929 in Barcelona where Real won with a score 1-2. From that day onwards 153 rivalry matches have been played in front of a huge audience. Real Madrid of course with its star studded team have won more matches than Barca though the catalian team never ceased to give a fiery fight in every match.Dec 14th 2008. Its time for one more EL Classico. The situation is much different this day, Real are having a huge injury problem such that almost their A team is out ruled on injury and on the other hand Barca are on a winning toll in excellent form with not even a single person injured (Touchwood). With situation as such on injuries madrid had fired their coach Shuster and appointed Judane Ramos as their new coach with just a match to spare before the Classico. My predictions for the game Barca 2 Real Madrid 0. I expect Messi to score both with Xavi assisting one.

The fatefull hour approaches and the playing eleven are being listed and I find weasly snider in the playing eleven for Real. He was not to return to play for at least two to three weeks. Well, if Ramos is going to risk Snider then the importance of the match can be understood. Barca on the other hand entered the stadium with their intimidating formation the "4-3-3" where the last three are Messi, Eto and Henry. Poor Real had none but the ever loyal Raul alone injury free and start the game with the standard "4-4-2".

To contradict all viewers expectation, Barca did not dominate the match in the first half. Real created so many chances but failed to convert any and suprisingly Snider was fully agile and had shot many times towards the goal post. I finally understood what Real were doing they were playing the dirty trick in the book. They were heavily Xavi and tripping Messi down all the time. Serigo Ramos got so involved that he tackled fiercely to only be cautioned by the refree.Derenthe had an awsome chance to get the lead just before half time but Victor Valdes was lucky enough the fall down at the right time to save the ball entering his net.

The second half was partly a Barca game where no one was now tackling Messi. Around the 70th min Real make a terrible mistake and give away a penalty. I am on the edge if my seat to see Barca win. Eto takes the penalty and Unbelievably Casillas saves the penalty. It was an amazing save, he did not catch the ball by fluke, his dive was perfectly times and he saved the ball with both his hands. Now the match is back to its thrilling but ending moments with Barca and Real without any goals to boast about.At the 83rd minute Real make another mistake while Barca take a corner, and the result the jubliant header from Puyol and a deflection from Eto... "GOAL"...the stadium errupts while Eto runs towards the ball boys and his teammates to celebrate his contribution in this important match. This match was far from over...two minutes into extra time and Messi is found racing towards Casillas net with Canavaro at his heels. But it is a well known fact that messi missing such a chance was near to zero probability.Messi chipped the ball high after casillas lunged for the ball and Canavaro jumps but only in vain to help the ball entering the net and inturn hurting his thigh....Once more the crowd errupt and there is jubliant celebrations. The match is over...Real return home anguished at their loss and Barca return home with 3 well deserved points happy and celebrating.

Now I am waiting for May 2009 where Real get their Revenge match. The spanish clubs like Real and Barca have really got style that not many clubs in the world possess. The ability to deliver when needed is a common ability in most of the english clubs but to do it in style you need to see the Spanish.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Transporter 3

Another movie where jason stathom plays the transporter delivering goods for the client who obviously wants to fuck him up. There you go, i have spoiled the suspense.

How many more times do we go to watch frank martin do crazy ass fighting and physics defying stunts?

Well you know the answer: never. this shit. just keeps getting better and better.if you view this movie as a sequel then it is the weakest.

Ignoring the fact that the concept get really monotonous we can enjoy the movie as just another action packed bonanza.

There are so many things work mentioning in movie . Lets start with the heroine,i have three words for her "OH MY GOD". The girl has got so many freckls on her face at any given point of time you can connect the dots on her face and come out with any imaginative figure. I guess they would have got this comment so many times that,in their next sequel probably they would get a more beautiful heroine.

Lets also look at the vilan in the movie.this guy is really good. I should sat that he is better and more cool than the other vilans in the prequels.this guy makes you feel he is a cool dude at the same time proves to be a very cold blooded murderer.his efforts need to be appreciated.

Last but definitely not the least,frank martin aka transporter aka male stripper.there is no need to comment on the acting of jason stathom cause all you have to do is tell the guy that there is a action sequel that needs to be done.the only other thing that had been really uncomfortable was the acting without the shirt god girls go crazy seeing him without the shirt.well guys just have to bear with the two scenes.

On the whole,the movie does not have anything to offer other than entertainment without logic. Id you just want to relax and watch a movie,this is the one i would recommend,but if you are but bored and you are in a mood to are a movie then i suggest you don't go to this movie.
