Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just a Thought

Year after Year….

Here comes the close of one more season and eventually the champions [Man United] stay winners this season also but not after a lot of drama and struggle. Looking at the way they started the season people would have thought that they were not worthy of the title this year because of their sloppy playing compared to the great start by Chelsea and Liverpool.

Manchester United now seems to have a unique way to start the season by ending couple of matches at the beginning of the season in a draw. But this season it was different. They lost a game to Liverpool, which gave
Liverpool the wondrous chance to take all the lead they required and take on the title. What did they do? They did a “Liverpool” out of the opportunity and goofed the whole thing by ending all possible victories as a draw. The same holds true for Chelsea and Arsenal. After a few matches United truly proved why they deserve the league title and why they are champions of the world.

Now that Manchester United has been established as the best team in the world, they become the subject to target during the summer transfer window. Like Bekham, Nesterlooy and many once great Manchester United legends become the major targets by cash rich clubs like Real Madrid, Milan and now Manchester City.

This year it is going to be Cristiano Ronaldo and Carlos Tevez. The latter being the easiest target of all is going to be preyed upon by almost most of the clubs in need of a world class striker. The package deals being in Tevez you not only get a striker but a defender and a midfielder also. He is one of the best utility players and a fantastic striker of the ball. As Manchester United have yet to give him an exended deal he might be moving out anyway. The team getting his sign will surely be lucky as there has been anguish in that player and a thirst to prove him for a long time. All the best Carlos. Manchester United would be very unlucky to loose Carlos; he was a wonder against Wigan.

Cristiano Ronaldo…or probably Attuitudo Ronaldo… would be courted by Real Madrid once again as Perez would be taking over as the president this year. Well, looking at the way the fellow seems to carry himself in the field cursing the referees and then having the audacity to show attitude to the master tactician in front of his home admirers. He might have well packed his bags for
Spain. A self centered player like him is going to be more of a hindrance next season playing only for him. The best idea would be to offload the idiot to real Madrid and wish him doom till eternity. If not this season then next, but the moron is going down for sure.

Manchester United does not have to buy any player and they will most probably not be buying any players as Sir Alex has already mentioned. Probably he will be purchasing some talented young lads and he would be turning them into little Red Devils. It has been some times since Sir Alex build a young devil. Transfer windows are always exiting and have a lot of suprises.

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